Student Authored Book: Russia – The Iron Curtain

Click “Add to cart” if the theme of the Creative Writing project (culminating in a book) matches your educational philosophy or the curriculum.


Students will work in groups to present the different aspects of Italy. Each student group will work on a unique side of the country covering history, art, people, life, culture, and personal experience and anecdotes. This activity delivers 21st Century Skills.


Please select the Young Authors Program for a group with at least 18 and at most 40 students. The program can have student teams of 5-8 each authoring 5 unique aspects of the learning that took place in the program.

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Young Authors Program

Young Authors Program is an innovative way for students to capture their experiences while learning 21st Century Skills. Our educators provide chapter writing guides, author bio guides and photography guides. Students are not teamed with close friends but with a randomised mix of skills and personalities.